Computers for the Disabled

Computer, Monitor and Keyboard We strive very hard to see that the people who are most in need of a basic computer system receive one. Therefore we usually require that the person is referred to us by a local organization or agency. Please contact your social worker or a local community organization for assistance.

To be able to provide as many basic systems as possible we usually limit the discount to basic systems. For better systems our regular prices (which are still extremely reasonable) apply.

For those on SSI, SSDI or Retirement Pension, we offer a 15% discount on all purchases.  Just bring in your award letter and a photo ID when you visit us. 

All systems include Windows XP, Open Office software suite (spreadsheet, word processor, data base presentation, paint program), anti-virus software, misc.

All items have a 90 Day Warranty except for Virus infections and printer cartridges.

Last Updated: Monday, February 18, 2013 11:40 AM